How to use SEO for brand building awareness?

Posted on: 26-07-2022

SEO stands for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION. It is one of the major trending topics of the corporate and business sectors of the modern 21st century. Advanced, continuous circularity of improvements in SEO is one of the key features required by website companies to generate heavy traffic, which facilitates in increasing their reach exponentially. In simple words, it refers to the various measures and activities done both online and offline to maximise the number of people visiting a website, and to make sure of the fact that search engines like google, yahoo, etc.. recommend the mentioned website at the forefronts of the search results. The search engines recommend websites not only on the basis of the keywords used, but also on the advancement of the AI of the website, user friendly rating, the quality of graphics, average traffic per day, and many more aspects.

Many techniques and methods are adopted by businesses and corporates to make their website stand out from the rest, some of which are back-linking, intelligent usage of keywords and influencer marketing by companies.

  1. As a service provider, the heads behind the website need to understand the demand of the customers in the market and choose the keywords after thorough examination and thought. Resemblance and similarity of the keywords put in by the website developers with the input from the customer in the search box can be considered as one of the significant contributors to traffic on the site and help in ensuring that the website end up as one of the initial websites on the result page. For example, if one is looking for job opportunities in Delhi, then the website can input ‘Delhi’ as one of the keywords to increase the probability and chances of the website appearing prior to other sites.

  2. Back-linking is one of the indirect methodologies used for SEO which primarily includes promotion and collaboration of the website with other pages, channels or links. It facilitates the search engines in acknowledging the authenticity, reach and connections of the website with other influencers, individuals and teams.

  3. Well, since we are talking about SEO’s and how brands use it to build awareness, not mentioning Influencer Marketing is inevitable. It constitutes an integral part of SEO and has various applications in brand building through SEOs. Brands form collaborations with actors, you-tubers, influencers on various other apps and pay them a premium to promote their brand/business and advertise for them. Connection of influential people to brands helps customers to trust them, and help provide evidence to the search engine of their authenticity and will to top the search results.

 Practical Experience and knowledge of the methodology implemented by brands to make use of this technology of SEO to maximise their reach, sales and profit is the need of the hour. Therefore, underneath I recommend some resources that will definitely assist you in learning this essential skill and the working model behind it.

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